
Our cottage Nemo AIR CONDITIONNING comfort and refinement for this accommodation designed for 4 people Practice, it has plenty of storage space, it boasts a spacious outdoor terrace and a well shaded. Fitted kitchen with fridge, gas burners, micro wave oven. Ensuite bathroom with shower. Your privacy will be protected by green hedges or fence.


  • Pets : accepted under conditions
  • Kitchen : 1
  • Total Size (sqm) : 20
  • ToiletToilet : 1
  • Separate bedrooms : 2
  • Bathroom : 1

Description form

General information

  • Size
    • Total Size (sqm): 20
  • Location
    • Neighbourhood
      • quiet: yes
    • Ground floor: yes
    • Facing
      • South: yes
  • Extra information
    • Smoking accommodation : no: Smoking accommodation : no
    • Wheelchair access : no: Wheelchair access : no


  • Pets : accepted under conditions: Pets : accepted under conditions
    • free: yes
    • on request: yes
    • Vaccination certificate compulsory: yes
    • on lead: yes
    • Dog: yes
  • Dangerous dogs forbidden (Category 1): yes
  • Dangerous dogs forbidden (Category 2): yes
  • Cats forbidden: yes

Bedrooms & Bedding

  • separate bedrooms : 2
    • separate bedrooms : 2
      • Double-bed: 1
        • Size (bed): 140 x 190
      • Single bed: 2
        • Size (bed): 80 x 190
        • Bed type
          • Bunk beds: yes
  • Bedding
    • Bedding suitable for number of persons: yes
    • Sheets : provided: Sheets : provided
      • extra fee: yes
    • Pillows : provided: Pillows : provided
    • Blankets : provided: Blankets : provided
    • Mattress cover: yes

Kitchen & Bathroom

  • Kitchen
    • Kitchen: 1
      • in the living room: yes
      • equipped: yes
      • Crockery related to the number of people accommodated: yes
      • Kitchen equipment
        • Cold water: yes
        • Hot water: yes
        • Sink: 1
        • Refrigerator: 1
        • Cooking hobs: 2 burners: 1
        • Microwave: 1
        • Electric coffee machine: 1
  • Bathroom
    • Bathroom : 1
      • Shower: yes
      • Bathroom sink: yes
    • Bathroom linen : provided: Bathroom linen : provided
      • extra fee: yes
    • Toilet: 1
      • in the bathroom: yes


  • Accommodation cleaning
    • extra fee: yes
    • compulsory: yes
  • Bin: yes
  • Broom: yes
  • Short-handled brush: yes
  • Shovel: yes
  • Bucket: yes
  • Floorcloth: yes
  • Toilet brush: yes
  • Drying rack: yes
  • Recycling: yes

Accommodation equipment

  • Thermal management
    • Heating: yes
      • electric: yes
    • Air conditioning: yes

  • Multimedia equipment
    • Wi-fi: yes
      • free: yes
        • partial coverage: yes
        • Wifi area: yes
      • extra fee: yes
        • All establishment: yes
  • Electric amenities
    • European sockets: yes

Outdoor equipment

  • Terrace: 1
    • half-covered: yes
    • private: yes
  • Awning: yes
  • Garden table: yes
  • Garden chairs: yes
  • Barbecue
    • provided: yes
    • private: yes
    • gas: yes

Security & Car park

  • Parking
    • Parking: yes
      • car on pitch: yes
      • next to accommodation: yes
      • outside: yes

Services & facilities for you to enjoy your stay


  • - No swimming-pool


  • - Remise en forme (Distance : 2Km )
  • - Parcours de santé (Distance : 0,2Km )
  • - Sauna
  • - Hammam
  • - Massage

On site

  • - Pétanque area

Close by

  • - Salle de sport (Distance : 5Km )
  • - Tennis (Distance : 5Km )
  • - Golf (Distance : 7Km )
  • - Équitation (Distance : 5Km )
  • - Sentier de randonnée (Distance : 0,2Km )
  • - Piste cyclable (Distance : 3Km )
  • - Plongée (Distance : 0,2Km )
  • - Nautisme (Distance : 5Km )
  • - Voile (Distance : 10Km )
  • - Planche à voile (Distance : 10Km )
  • - Pêche (Distance : 0,2Km )
  • - Canoë - Kayak (Distance : 0,2Km )


  • - Animations enfants (- High season only.)

Children / Teens

  • - Outdoor playground

Leisure infrastructure

  • - Bibliothèque (Distance : 7Km )
  • - Cinéma (Distance : 12Km )


  • - Bar
  • - Restaurant
  • - Pizzeria
  • - Snack
  • - Bar / refreshment area


  • - Basic provisions
  • - Commerce alimentaire (Distance : 2Km )
  • - Minimarket
  • - Bread
  • - Pastries


  • Accommodation deposit: yes
    • Tariff : 300
    • Method of payment
      • Credit card: yes
      • Check: yes
      • Cash: yes
  • Fees
    • water: yes
      • included: yes
    • electricity : yes
      • included: yes
    • gas: yes
      • included: yes
    • heating: yes
      • included: yes

Client reviews

Accomodation average mark

8.98 / 10

1507 reviews


Services & amenities








Quality-price ratio

8.78 / 10

Martin Z Camping Qualité

Type of stay :

Young couple

Accommodation :

Chalet Nemo Confort 20m² climatisé (2 chambres)

Period of stay :

September 2024 7 days

Posted :



Detailed mark

General information :

Ruhige eingeteilte Parzellen

Accommodation review :

Ruhig mit Privatsphäre. Aussen Küche mit Kühlschrank vorhanden

8.11 / 10

Celine M Camping Qualité

Type of stay :


Accommodation :

Chalet Nemo Confort 20m² climatisé (2 chambres)

Period of stay :

September 2024 8 days

Posted :



Detailed mark

General information :

Le calme, l accueil, la propreté du camping

On peut toujours s’améliorer mais la je ne trouve pas!!

Accommodation review :

Cloisonnement des espaces

7 / 10

Jean-francois D Camping Qualité

Type of stay :

OAP couple

Accommodation :

Chalet Nemo Confort 20m² climatisé (2 chambres)

Period of stay :

September 2024 7 days

Posted :



Detailed mark

General information :

Emplacement. Situation du camping proche des plages- logement

Accommodation review :

Situation du camping

Le temps du vent toute là semaine mais pas de chance !!!

See all reviews

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Camping Qualité