Description form

General information

  • Size
    • Total Size (sqm): 42
    • Terrace size (sqm): 10
  • Location
    • Ground floor: yes
    • Facing
      • South: yes
  • Extra information
    • Smoking accommodation : no: Smoking accommodation : no
    • Wheelchair access : no: Wheelchair access : no


  • Pets : accepted under conditions: Pets : accepted under conditions
    • extra fee: yes
    • on lead: yes
    • Dog: yes
    • Cat: yes
  • Dangerous dogs forbidden (Category 1): yes
  • Dangerous dogs forbidden (Category 2): yes

Bedrooms & Bedding

  • separate bedrooms : 2
    • separate bedrooms : 2
      • Shutters: yes
      • Double-bed: 1
        • Size (bed): 140 x 190
      • Shutters: yes
      • Single bed: 2
        • Size (bed): 80 x 190
  • additional places to sleep: 1
    • people max.: 2
    • Sofa-bed: yes
  • Child / Baby
    • Cot: 1
      • on request: yes
  • Bedding
    • Bedding suitable for number of persons: yes
    • Sheets : provided: Sheets : provided
      • extra fee: yes
    • Pillows : provided: Pillows : provided
    • Blankets : provided: Blankets : provided
    • Mattress cover: yes

Kitchen & Bathroom

  • Kitchen
    • Kitchen: 1
      • in the living room: yes
      • equipped: yes
      • Crockery related to the number of people accommodated: yes
      • Kitchen equipment
        • Hot water: yes
        • Sink: 1
        • Fridge / Freezer: 1
        • Electric hobs: 1
        • Mini oven: 1
        • Extractor hood: 1
        • Kettle: 1
        • Cocotte minute: 1
        • Fruit juicer: 1
      • Crockery
        • Kitchen knife: 1
        • Vegetable peeler: 1
        • Bread knife: 1
        • Kitchen knives: 1
        • Wooden spatula: 1
        • Cutlery tray: 1
        • Teapot: 1
        • Ladle: 1
        • Can opener: 1
        • Grater: 1
        • Wine/beer bottle opener: 1
        • Salad cutlery: 1
        • Mat (for hot dishes): 2
        • Ovendish: 3
        • Ovendish: 2
        • Salad spinner: 1
        • Colander: 1
        • Cutting board: 1
        • Jug: 1
        • Salad bowls: 3
        • Pans: 4
        • Lid: 4
        • Frying pan: 1
        • Stainless steel casserole dish: 1
        • Basin: 1
  • Bathroom
    • Bathroom : 1
      • private: yes
      • Shower: yes
      • Bathroom sink: yes
    • Bathroom linen : not provided: Bathroom linen : not provided
    • Toilet: 1


  • Accommodation cleaning
    • extra fee: yes
  • Bin: yes
  • Broom: yes
  • Stiff-broom: yes
  • Short-handled brush: yes
  • Shovel: yes
  • Bucket: yes
  • Floorcloth: yes
  • Toilet brush: yes
  • Drying rack: yes
  • Ashtray: yes
  • Recycling: yes

    Accommodation equipment

    • Thermal management
      • Heating: yes
        • electric: yes
      • Double glazing: yes

    Outdoor equipment

    • Terrace: 1
      • covered: yes
    • Garden table: yes
    • Garden chairs: yes
    • Parasol: yes
    • Deckchair: yes
    • Barbecue
      • allowed: yes
    • Bike(s) included: 2

    Security & Car park

    • Security
      • Extinguisher: yes
    • Parking
      • Parking: yes
        • car on pitch: yes

    Services & facilities for you to enjoy your stay


    • - No swimming-pool


    • - Hammam (Distance : 1Km )
    • - Massages (Distance : 1Km )

    On site

    • - Multi-sport field
    • - Pétanque

    Close by

    • - Tennis (Distance : 3Km )
    • - Golf (Distance : 20Km )
    • - Bowling (Distance : 2,5Km )
    • - Paintball (Distance : 6Km )
    • - Équitation (Distance : 3Km )
    • - Sentier de randonnée (Distance : 0,3Km )
    • - Sports d'eau vive (Distance : 15Km )
    • - Plongée (Distance : 0,3Km )
    • - Nautisme (Distance : 0,5Km )
    • - Voile (Distance : 0,3Km )
    • - Planche à voile (Distance : 0,3Km )
    • - Pêche (Distance : 0,3Km )
    • - Parcours d'aventure (Distance : 2Km )


    • - Animations enfants (- High season only.)

    Children / Teens

    • - Outdoor playground
    • - Indoor game room

    Leisure infrastructure

    • - Library
    • - Cinéma (Distance : 10Km )


    • - Restaurant (Distance : 0,4Km )
    • - Pizzeria (Distance : 0,4Km )
    • - Bar / refreshment area


    • - Commerce alimentaire (Distance : 0,5Km )
    • - Dépôt de pain (- High season only.)
    • - Dépôt de viennoiseries (- High season only.)


    • Accommodation deposit: yes
      • Tariff : 300
      • Method of payment
        • Credit card: yes
        • Check: yes
        • Cash: yes
    • Fees
      • water: yes
        • included: yes
      • electricity : yes
        • included: yes
      • heating: yes
        • included: yes

    Client reviews

    Accomodation average mark

    8.84 / 10

    412 reviews


    Services & amenities




    Activities for kids



    Quality-price ratio

    8.89 / 10

    Jean-Francois R Camping Qualité

    Type of stay :

    With friends

    Accommodation :

    Chalet 32 m² VIP, 2 chambres + terrasse couverte

    Period of stay :

    October 2024 2 days

    Posted :



    Detailed mark

    General information :

    Séjour début Octobre, nous avons apprécié le calme de l'arrière saison

    Accommodation review :

    Petit chalet tout confort très bien équipé

    7.44 / 10

    JEAN-MARC G Camping Qualité

    Type of stay :


    Accommodation :

    Chalet 32 m² VIP, 2 chambres + terrasse couverte

    Period of stay :

    August 2024 7 days

    Posted :



    Detailed mark

    General information :

    Camping calme et proche du lac. Jouets pour enfants disponibles. Sanitaires propres dans l'ensemble.

    Accommodation review :

    Chalet mal isolé ne permettant pas d'accueillir plus de 4 personnes pour être bien installés.

    8.2 / 10

    Delphine G Camping Qualité

    Type of stay :

    With friends

    Accommodation :

    Chalet 32 m² VIP, 2 chambres + terrasse couverte

    Period of stay :

    June 2023 2 days

    Posted :



    Detailed mark

    General information :

    très bien

    Accommodation review :

    parfait dans l'ensemble

    See all reviews

    We value your opinion!

    Please let us know what you think of our website, all comments will be appreciated and help us to improve

    Camping Qualité