Castel Camping Château de Chanteloup

Pays-de-la-Loire - 72460 SILLE-LE-PHILIPPE - 134 pitches - 13 rentals

Client reviews : Castel Camping Château de Chanteloup

Establishment average mark

8.76 / 10

945 reviews

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Services & amenities





Activities for kids



Quality-price ratio

9.75 / 10

Jennie S Camping Qualité

Type of stay :

Family with child(ren)

Accommodation :

Emplacement avec évacuation eaux usées (uniquement dans la zone WOOD) + Electricité 16A

Period of stay :

August 2023 2 days

Posted :



Detailed mark

General information :

Friendly welcome, good sized pitch, access to pool, playgrounds and activities. A real little gem of a place.

Accommodation review :

Good sized pitch, lovely amenities

Establishment response :

Great grade, we thank you so much

8.33 / 10

Bi W Camping Qualité

Type of stay :

Family with child(ren)

Accommodation :

Emplacement Classique + Eau à proximité + Electricité 10A (option)

Period of stay :

July 2023 2 days

Posted :



Detailed mark

General information :

Die Stimmung auf dem gesamten Areal war toll. Entspannt & unkompliziert. An einem Abend gab es ein Lagerfeuer für Kinder - wir waren mindestens eine halbe Stunde zu spät, haben aber erklärt bekommen wo wir hin müssen. Obwohl wir erst kamen als alle anderen weg waren haben uns die Gastgeber und Animateure eingeladen uns noch an die Reste des Feuers zu setzen, Marshmallows und Stöcker verteilt und Musik gemacht. Es war fantastisch:) mein Sohn war überglücklich - danke dafür!

Das & wie viel man für den Internetzugang (WLan) bezahlen muss finde ich unpassend. Es führt dazu, dass man sein Handy wenig nutzt - vielleicht Sinn & Zweck? Aber wenn man zwischendurch arbeiten muss ist es sehr ungünstig!

Accommodation review :

Die Plätze sind sehr geräumig und die Wiesen/Lichtungen werden nur am Rand zum Campen genutzt - dadurch fühlt man sich sehr frei und Kinder& Erwachsene haben Platz zum Spielen. Bei unserer Wiese (direkt an der Einfahrt) gab es ein extra niedriges Kinderklo - super!

Bei den sanitären Anlagen gab es ein paar Leckagen am Abwasser. Beim Abwaschen ist das Wasser aus dem Abfluss direkt auf den Boden gespritzt. War ein bisschen blöd, weil Hose und Schuhe immer nass wurden und man nichts auf den Boden stellen könnte weil es sofort nass wurde.

Establishment response :

Thank you for the great feedback and positive comment

8.25 / 10

Barbara V Camping Qualité

Type of stay :

Family with child(ren)

Accommodation :

Emplacement Classique + Eau à proximité + Electricité 10A (option)

Period of stay :

July 2023 7 days

Posted :



Detailed mark

General information :

Prachtige camping, mooie ruime plaatsen. Zwembad en speeltuin zijn geweldig. Het enige minpunt is de hygiëne van de toiletgebouwen. Te weinig wc’s voor zoveel kampeerders en vraag me af of het vaker dan 1 keer per dag werd schoongemaakt.

We zaten erg ver af van de faciliteiten. Voor kleine kinderen is dat niet handig/fijn. Volgende keer zou ik zeker op het veld boeken

Accommodation review :

Ruime groene plaatsen

Erg ver af van faciliteiten

Establishment response :

Thank you very much for the great feedback. You are absolutly right, you can reserve your pitch a lot earlier if you want to be close to the castle and sanitaries ;)

9.88 / 10

George M Camping Qualité

Type of stay :

Family with teenager(s)

Accommodation :

Emplacement Classique + Eau à proximité + Electricité 10A (option)

Period of stay :

August 2023 2 days

Posted :



Detailed mark

General information :

Meer dan prima verblijf ondanks probleem met onze auto. Er werd geschoven met reserveringen en we konden langer blijven. Ook werd met tussenkomst van het behulpzame personeel het defecte onderdeel op de camping bezorg.

Accommodation review :

Mooie plek

Establishment response :

Thank you so much for the brilliant review

9.12 / 10

Soracha D Camping Qualité

Type of stay :

Family with child(ren)

Accommodation :

Emplacement Classique + Eau à proximité + Electricité 10A (option)

Period of stay :

August 2023 2 days

Posted :



Detailed mark

General information :

A great campsite, wish we could have experienced more than 2 nights.

Accommodation review :

Plenty of space

Establishment response :

Super review, thank you so much :)

8.71 / 10

Lisa G Camping Qualité

Type of stay :

Family with teenager(s)

Accommodation :

Emplacement Classique + Eau à proximité + Electricité 10A (option)

Period of stay :

July 2023 11 days

Posted :



Detailed mark

General information :

It was a pleasure to return to Chanteloup again, we hadn't been since before covid, so it was so nice to be back and we wondered if it had changed at all - but we needn't have worried, it's still very much the same. Chanteloup is unique, there is no where else quite like it . The Dream Team were again very helpful, willing to assist at any time. The Saturday night BBQ was brilliant, an opportunity to meet up with familiar 'camp' friends whom we have met before and make new friends. Staying st Chanteloup feels like you are staying at a country house weekend party , its just lovely.

Nothing we really disliked. However, a couple of points for your consideration: 1) more items in your shop, it was very limited for food items. Also it would be useful to have a few camping items available too 2)The washing machines were a bit old and tempremental, and a few more would be useful 3) a couple more hairdryers in the ladies showers please, I didn't bring one thinking that there were some there but there was only one and it was awkward to wait around for it. 4) previously we've always enjoyed nice hot showers, this year there were times when they were noticeably cool.

Accommodation review :

The pitche was a generous size and drainage was good , we had plenty of room for our tents, tarp and car

Establishment response :

Thank you very much for this very constructive feedback, it helps us to improve ;)

9.12 / 10

Kim T Camping Qualité

Type of stay :

Family with child(ren)

Accommodation :

Emplacement Classique + Eau à proximité + Electricité 10A (option)

Period of stay :

August 2023 1 days

Posted :



Detailed mark

General information :

Schitterende plek zo naast een oud kasteel.

Restaurant gedeelte mag wel wat gezelliger worden. Beplanting, tafels/stoelen. We zakte door een stoel.

Accommodation review :

Heerlijk onder de bomen.

We hadden regen maar dat mocht de pret niet drukken.

Establishment response :

Beautiful comment and feedback, thanks a lot

10 / 10

Joanna W Camping Qualité

Type of stay :

Family with child(ren)

Accommodation :

Emplacement Classique + Eau à proximité + Electricité 10A (option)

Period of stay :

July 2023 7 days

Posted :



Detailed mark

General information :

The campsite didn’t feel too crowded even though it was full capacity. The pool was fun, the setting was well kept and elegant, the massage I had from Françoise was one of the best of my life. The woods and bike hire, and motorbike day in the woods was fantastic. The fresh pastries and bread every morning was wonderful too.

That we couldn’t stay longer.

Accommodation review :

The pitch was in a fantastic spot, close to everything but still very peaceful.

All was great.

Establishment response :

So many thanks for this incredible review, we appreciate !

8 / 10

Simon S Camping Qualité

Type of stay :

Family with child(ren)

Accommodation :

Emplacement avec évacuation eaux usées (uniquement dans la zone WOOD) + Electricité 16A

Period of stay :

August 2023 2 days

Posted :



Detailed mark

General information :

The pool and vibe

Lack of crisps flavours in the shops

Accommodation review :

Nice shade

Path and people waking through our pitch

Establishment response :

Great review, thank you :)

8.62 / 10

Christian S Camping Qualité

Type of stay :

Family with teenager(s)

Accommodation :

Emplacement avec évacuation eaux usées (uniquement dans la zone WOOD) + Electricité 16A

Period of stay :

August 2023 4 days

Posted :



Detailed mark

General information :

Conveniently located to the Le Mans racetrack and museum. Le Mans city is definitely worth a visit

Accommodation review :

Everything ready and available (chairs, table, BBQ, etc.)

The campsite is so vast that, depending on your location, you might need to walk a bit to wash dishes, shower, etc.

Establishment response :

Thank you very much, beautiful review

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Camping Qualité