Campings in towns

Campsites in towns in France : Book your stay

Campsites in towns in France

Museums, restaurants, cinemas, exhibitions, festivals, guided tours? There is so much to do, both in town and the great outdoors.

Quality campsites in towns mean a lively holiday, with history, architectural marvels and listed buildings, but also peace and quiet, without being shut away.

This is an ideal alternative for discovering the real and dynamic Brittany of Locronan, Saint-Brieuc and Nantes, brushing up on your history in Verdun or discovering delicious Burgundy cuisine in Chalon-sur-Saône.

Further south, in Midi-Pyrénées, you can visit Cahors, admire the Millau Viaduct and the sanctuary at Lourdes.

Or how about Vaison La Romaine and Villeneuve-Loubet in Provence ?

Or Thonon-Les-Bains, with views over Lake Geneva ?

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56 campsites match your search

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A la vil

Quality campsites for weekends in town.

For a weekend, 3-day trip or longer, take advantage of our natural campsites to discover some beautiful towns. A year-round possibility !

In spring, summer and autumn, you can set up your tent or motorhome, even for a few days, on private, well-kept and spacious pitches. You will find all the information you need to plan your trips at the campsite.

If you prefer to travel light, book a fully-fitted bungalow or a mobile home or chalet. Just pack your suitcases; it couldn’t be more practical !

Some campsites are open during the winter, which is an excellent season for discovering a town without the crowds! And a great idea for getting some fresh air !

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